3 Ways to Personalize Your Office Desk

Ways to Personalize Your Office Desk

A simple way to make your workday more enjoyable is to personalize your desk space so that it is both visually appealing and more comfortable during the long hours you spend in the office. Having a few small reminders of home such as photos of friends and family or personalized decor can serve as a natural mood booster during a long day on the clock, whether you work at a medical clinic like Northwest Surgery Center or at a cubicle at a digital marketing agency. Plus, personalizing your desk space can help you showcase your unique interests and personality to your coworkers and employers, who might not otherwise get a glimpse of your life outside of work.

Looking to personalize your desk and make your time in the office more enjoyable? Here are a few simple tips.

1.  Add Photos

Placing photos of your friends and family on your desk is a great way to personalize your space while serving as a reminder of your home life during a long day on the job. Whether it’s photos of your spouse, best friends, or even your pet, placing a reminder of loved ones in your work space can keep you in a cheery mood, even when things get a little stressful around the office. Looking to liven up your space even more? Add some colorful or handmade frames for an extra touch of decor!

2.  Live Plants

Add a house plant or even a flower vase to your desk to liven up the space, and improve the quality of air for everyone in your office! To personalize your space even more, opt for a decorative vase or planter (you could even decorate one yourself). Just be sure to keep your live plants watered throughout the work week to prevent them from looking unsightly on your desk, or even dying over time.

3.  Personalized Stationery

Add personality to your desk by opting for some colorful, fun stationery and office supplies. Swap out your boring, company issued pens for colorful pens or even gel pens, and write your daily tasks and to do lists on a stylish and customized notepad. You might also invest in a colorful planner, which will look great on your desk and help you to stay organized and on top of all projects and upcoming deadlines even during the busiest weeks.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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