Top 3 Essential Tips for Pest Control


If you own a home, the chances are that you have dealt with household pests at one point. Pests are insects or animals that cause harm and damages to a home. The most common household pests are rats, termites, ants, cockroaches, and spiders.

Spiders like the sowbug killer spider are hazardous pests. Preventing and eliminating these pesky beings in a home is not an easy task. The following tips for successful pest control should make the job slightly easier:

1. Determine What Pests Are There or Likely To Emerge


The first thing you should do when practicing pest control in your home is to determine what pests are available. Doing this will help you choose the right solution. Note that you cannot cure something if you do not know what you are dealing with.

Determining the present pests should be easy because you are likely to have witnessed a few of them running around. In addition to those that are already present, you also need to assess the risk. This means the potential types of pests.

For instance, if you have a lot of wooden furniture in your home, termites’ potential presence is high. Doing this will also help you work towards preventing the pests from cropping up. You can also use information from your local extension office on what to expect.

If you are buying a house, you can have it inspected by a professional to get this information. This would especially be helpful if you have crops within or surrounding your property. Also, acquire information on the history of pests in your area.

2. Prevention Is Better Than Cure

Another significant step you can take towards pest control is practicing prevention measures. You can prevent the occurrence of pests in your home by:

  • Keeping your gutters clean at all times
  • Ensuring all food is covered and properly stored.,
  • Eliminating standing water which could foster the breeding of mosquitoes and other pests
  • Cleaning up cluttered storage areas that could host pests such as rats
  • Capping your chimney to keep pests from using it as an entry point to your home
  • Storing firewood away from your house
  • Sealing all gaps in your attic, garage, or any other spot that could allow pests into your house
  • Repairing torn window screens
  • Finding and getting rid of all hiding spots for pests

3. Find Controls for Existing Pests

Controls for Existing Pests

Once you have practiced all prevention measures and determined what pests are in your house, the next step is to find the solution. It should be as easy as searching on Google. You can also use the services of professional consultants.

All you have to do is enter the information you have on your house’s pests and follow the instructions provided. If this doesn’t work for you, you can also contact a professional pest control company.

It is also wise to hire professional exterminators for the job and you will never have to deal with this issue again. These professionals will also provide you with more information on the pests that could help in the process.


With the tips mentioned above, you should take control of the pest situation in your house. Note that the market is packed with a wide range of pest control companies, which will help you get rid of the little menaces permanently.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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